Deadly food in Asia SEO April 26, 2013Be careful with the various forms of food that is in front of you. Because, not all the food was absolutely delicious consumes you until th... Continue Reading
Dancing with the Dead in Madagascar SEO April 24, 2013The Malagasy people of Madagascar believe that the spirits of people who have died won�t join the world of their ancestors until after the b... Continue Reading
Kasodo Ceremony At Mount Bromo Indonesia SEO April 24, 2013Kasodo is an annual ceremony that always held by indigenous communities Tengger . The ceremony is always held annually in December or Janua... Continue Reading
National Park of Mount Bromo In Indonesia SEO April 24, 2013Mount Bromo (from Sanskrit: Brahma, one of the main Hindu Gods), is a volcano is still active and most famous as a tourist attraction in Eas... Continue Reading
Psilocybin Mushrooms SEO April 24, 2013The mushrooms were previously considered dangerous to humans has now been turned into healing various diseases Mineral content in mushrooms... Continue Reading
History Of Cigarettes SEO April 18, 2013The earliest forms of cigarettes largely indistinguishable from its predecessor the cigar. Smoking has been found in Central America around ... Continue Reading
Myth Mate Leaves SEO April 16, 2013In Ireland, mistletoe leaves are often used by women who want to quickly be able to mate. Usually when New Year's Eve, the single girls ... Continue Reading
Tradition Of Bullfighting In Mexico SEO April 16, 2013For those of you who know bullfighting traditions stemming from the country of Spain that began hundreds of years ago. In the 15th century, ... Continue Reading
Quetzal Bird Considered Sacred By The Mayan SEO April 16, 2013Beautiful fluffy bird called the Quetzal (just like the name of the Guatemalan currency), it is considered a valuable sacred by the Mayans a... Continue Reading
White Elephant As The God Of War In Southeast Asia SEO April 16, 2013Myths and legends of a white elephant began in Southeast Asia. In the story of Buddha, the white elephant is connected with knowledge. On th... Continue Reading
Aye-Aye An Omen Of Death Of Animals In Madagascar SEO April 15, 2013Although it weighs only 4 pounds in the wild, small animals is seen as a harbinger of death by local communities in Madagascar. This beast c... Continue Reading
Why Is The Sky Blue ??? SEO April 15, 2013The blue color looks beautiful skies in the afternoon when the sun shining on the earth's surface that looks like a blue marble when vie... Continue Reading
Kamasutra Book History SEO April 15, 2013Book Kamasutra is a book that contains a guide in making love. kamasutra book to date has more than 1,800 years old. Kamasutra Book was writ... Continue Reading
Exotic Of Lombok Island In Indonesia SEO April 15, 2013Lombok Island is an island located in the Lesser Sunda Islands Nusa Tenggara or separated by the Straits of Lombok and Bali in western Sebel... Continue Reading
Hunimua Beach SEO April 12, 2013Liang beach located at Liang village called Hunimua beach, Central Maluku district, according to United Nations research agency in charge of... Continue Reading
Inventor Of The First Computer In The World SEO April 11, 2013First inventor is an expert mathematician Charles Babbage in 1822, but the subsequent development can not be separated from the service of t... Continue Reading
World's Oldest Hook Found In East Timor SEO April 11, 2013The discovery of the world's oldest hook demonstrate that men are fishing on the high seas far longer than previous theories. The world... Continue Reading
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) SEO April 11, 2013Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was a U.S. inventor and teacher of the deaf, and he is known as the inventor of the telephone (telephone).... Continue Reading
Historical Origins Of Borobudur Temple SEO April 11, 2013Borobudur temple is located in the historical village of Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. This temple is the second largest Buddhist templ... Continue Reading
Why Is The Earth Round ??? SEO April 09, 2013European scientists, Galileo Galilei (1546-1642) said clearly that the earth is round. Galileo was born in Pisa, same as with Copernicus. H... Continue Reading